Established in 1961
Storming of Monte Video
41822 Storming of Monte Video - Febr. 3rd 1807
W. Heath delt. T. Suthrland sculpt. Price: 52.00
Battle of Grigo
41826 Battle of Grigo - May 11th, 1809
W. Heath delt. D. Havell sculpt. Price: 52.00
Burning of Moscow
41837 Burning of Moscow
W. Heath delt. T. Sutherland aquatt. Price: 52.00
Death of Moreau
41844 Death of Moreau, before Dresden, Augt. 1813
W. Heath delt. T. Sutherland aquatt. Price: 52.00
Battle of the Bidassoa
41845 Battle of the Bidassoa - Oct. 9th, 1813
W. Heath delt. D. Havell sculpt. Price: 58.00
Battle of Barrosa
94755 Battle of Barrosa, March 5th 1811
W. Heath delt. Dubourg aquat. Small black spot in sky area. With original page of descriptive text. Price: 52.00