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Richard Nicholson of Chester

A World of Antique Maps and Prints

James Pepper reading

Established in 1961

All the Prints on this page are guaranteed to be genuine early specimens
published in or around the year stated

Antique Maritime Prints

  • The Fleet in the Baltic

    The Fleet in the Baltic

95400 The Fleet in the Baltic

Price: 11.00

  • The Defeat of the Spanish Armada

    The Defeat of the Spanish Armada

95399 The Defeat of the Spanish ArmadaPrice: 11.00
  • Gallant Affair of the Hecla

    Gallant Affair of the Hecla

95401 Gallant Affair of the Hecla and Arrogant May 20th 1854

Price: 11.00

  • Intrepid Behaviour of Capt. Charles Napier

    Intrepid Behaviour of Capt. Charles Napier

95402 Intrepid Behaviour of Capt. Charles Napier. April 16th 1809

Price: 11.00

  • Storming of San Sebastian

    Storming of San Sebastian

95403 Storming of San Sebastian

Price: 11.00

  • East India Companys Steamer Nemesis

    East India Companys Steamer Nemesis

95404 The Hon East India Companys Steamer Nemesis and the Boats of the the Sulphur, Calliope, Larne and Startling Destroying th Chinese War Junks in Anson's Bay January 7 1841

Price: 12.00

  • Side view of the Royal George c.1756

    Side view of the Royal George c.1756

95632 Royal George,c.1756. Price: 24.00

A SIDE VIEW OF THE ROYAL GEORGE. A copper engraved view of the ship. 7 1/2 x 6 3/8 inches. Uncoloured. Original vertical fold. Inscription below "Printed for the General Magazine of Arts and Sciences for W. Owen at Temple Bar". Good condition.


Pepper Street


01244 336004

International 44 1244 336004

Stacks Image 23

I have been buying and selling antique maps and prints since the early 1960's during which time I had a gallery in Watergate Street, Chester for 30 years. I am now able to offer through my websites a personal service to map and print collectors.

Antique Maritime Prints