Established in 1961
17th Century Town Plan
Lierre, Joan Blaeu 1649
5435 Lierre, Joan Blaeu 1649. Price: 240.00
A fine 17th century plan of the town of Lierre near Antwerp. Title panel. Two coats of arms. 20 x 16 inches, 520 x 420 mm. Latin text on verso. Hand coloured. Good condition.
From: Novum ac Magnum Theatrum Urbium Belgicae Foederate, published in Amsterdam
Early 18th Century - Original Hand Colouring
Belgium, Nicolaes Visscher, c.1700
7228 Part of Belgium, Nicolaes Visscher, c.1700. Price: 150.00
TRACTUS INTER SABIM ET OSAM comprehendens Meridionales partes Leodiensis Episcopatus...
A map extending from Charleroi and Namur in the north to Rocroi in the south. Includes Phillippeville. The title, scales and explanation appear across the top of the map. 23 x 19 inches, 580 x 480 mm. Original outline and wash colouring. Good condition.
From: Visscher's Atlas Minor
Early 18th Century - Original Hand Colouring
Part of Belgium, Nicolaes Visscher, c.1700
7229 Part of Belgium, Nicolaes Visscher, c.1700. Price: 145.00
LEODIENSIS EPISCOPATUS PARS MEDIAcomprehendens Hasbaniae Comitatum, Franchimontis...
A detailed map including Liege, Huy, Durbuy and Verviers. The title, scales and explanation appear across the top of the map. 22 x 19 inches, 560 x 490 mm. Original outline and wash colouring. Good conditon.
From: Visscher's Atlas Minor
18th Century Town Plan
Netherlands John Russel 1800
26251 Namur, Paul de Rapin-Thoyras, c.1745. Price: 45.00
A detailed town plan showing the Meuse and Sambre rivers. embellished with a decorative explanation cartouche with coat of arms. The title appears beneath the map with a key. 19 x 15 1/2 inches. Uncoloured. Some folding creases. Little to no blank margin on the right hand side. The other blank margins are small. Small split near the bottom of the centre fold. Clean condition with no foxing.
From: Continuation of Mr. Rapin's History by Nicolas Tindal
16th Century Town Plan - Early Hand Colouring
Aalst, Georg Braun and Franz Hogenberg, c.1600
27149 Aalst, Georg Braun and Franz Hogenberg, c.1600. Price: 330.00
A fine 16th century bird’s eye view of the town. Decorative title cartouche. Figure of a soldier holding a coat of arms. 16 3/4 x 13 inches, 422 x 330 mm. French text on verso. SUPERB ORIGINAL HAND COLOURING. Good clean condition with wide blank margins.
From: Civitates Orbis Terrarum
17th Century - Town Plan
Nieuport, Joan Blaeu, 1649
29142 Nieuport, Joan Blaeu, 1649. Price: 220.00
A fine engraved 17th century bird's eye view plan of Nieuport situated on the coast south of Oostene. Across the top of the plan is a panoramic view of the town. Decorative title cartouche surmounted by a coat of arms. Two other coats of arms. Key. 19 3/4 x 15 1/4 inches. Uncoloured. Latin text on verso. Fine clean condition with wide blank margins.
From: Novum ac Magnum Theatrum Urbium Belgicae Foederate
16th Century - Town Plan
Philippeville, Luigi Guicciardini, 1582
29523 Philippeville, Luigi Guicciardini, 1582. Price: 29.00
An interesting small early bird’s eye plan of the town. Decorative title cartouche. 6 1/2 x 4 3/4 inches. Uncoloured. Good clean undamaged condition.
From: Description de Touts les Pais-Bas autrement appelles la Germamie Inferieure ou Basse Allemagne
19th Century
Belgium and Luxemburg, George Washington Bacon, 1891
31140 Belgium and Luxemburg, George Washington Bacon, 1891. Price: 19.50
A good detailed map embellished with two inset maps. Environs of Brussels and Environs of Antwerp. 17 x 11 3/4 inches. Colour printed. Good blank margins. Good condition.
From: Complete Atlas of the World
17th Century Town Plan
Town plan of Tournai, Belgium, Joan Blaeu 1652
32715 Tournai, Joan Blaeu, 1652. Price 250.00
A fine 17th century engraved bird’s eye view town plan of Turnai. The title appears within a banner whilst the two keys to places of interest appear within two cartouches, one with putti and the other surmounted by a coat of arms. Two other coats of arms appear in the top corner. Original centre fold. Uncoloured. Latin text on verso. Good clean undamaged condition with wide blank margins.
From: Novum ac Magnum Theatrum Urbium Belgicae Foederate
17th Century
Nieuwerke, Belgium plan by Joan Blaeu 1649
33328 Nieuwkerke, Joan Blaeu 1649. Price: 70.00
An early bird’s eye view of the village of Nieuwkercke showing the church and village. Embellished with three coats of arms. Title panel and a blank panel. 9 x 5 1/4 inches. Latin text on verso. Attractive and well executed hand colouring. Fine condition.
From: Novum ac Magnum Theatrum Urbium Belgicae Foederate
Late 17th Century Battle Plan
33456 Wontergem, Nicolaes Visscher, c.1705. Price: 450.00
A fine example of this battle plan of Wontergem showing the positions of the Allied and French troops in West Flanders in June and July of 1685. Large title banner dated 1695 and the panoramic explanation banner with figures that stretches right across the base of the map. 22 1/2 x 16 1/2 inches. Superb early hand colouring. Original centre fold. Plain on verso.
From Visscher Atlas Minor
17th Century Bird's Eye View
Blankenberge, Belgium Antonius Sanderus, 1649
33462 Blankenberge, Joan Blaeu, 1649. Price: 90.00
Blancoberga Maritimum Flandriae oppidulum Piscatione et propugnaculo Regio famosum
A 17th century bird’s eye view of the town of Blankenberge by Antonius Sanderus. Title cartouche. Ships on the sea area. 5 3/4 x 7 1/4 inches. Uncoloured. Latin descriptive text on verso. Good clean condition.
From: Novum ac Magnum Theatrum Urbium Belgicae Foederate.
17th Century Bird's Eye View
33463 Torhout, Joan Blaeu, 1649. Price: 68.00
Thoraltum vulgo Thorout, Antiquissimum Flandriae oppidum
A 17th century bird’s eye view of the town of Torhout in West Flanders by Antonius Sanderus. Decorative title cartouche. Panel with a key listing four places of interest. Two coats of arms. 9 x 6 inches. Uncoloured. Part of a Latin descriptive text on verso. Good clean condition.
From: Novum ac Magnum Theatrum Urbium Belgicae Foederate.
17th Century Bird's Eye View
Bird's Eye View of Gistel, Belgium by Joan Blaeu 1649
33464 Gistel, Joan Blaeu, 1649. Price: 110.00
Gistella Oppidum in ditione Franconatum Baronatus titulo nobile
A 17th century bird’s eye view of the town of Gistel in West Flanders by Antonius Sanderus. Decorative title cartouche. Inset view f an abbey and a panel with a key listing 8 places of interestThree coats of arms in the sky area. 9 x 5 3/4 inches. Uncoloured. Part of a Latin descriptive text on verso. Good clean condition.
From: Novum ac Magnum Theatrum Urbium Belgicae Foederate.
17th Century Bird's Eye View
Lichtervelde , Belgium Joan Blaeu 1649
33465 Lichtervelde , Belgium, Joan Blaeu 1649. Price: 65.00
Lichtervelde antiqui nominis pagus in Ditione Franconatum
A 17th century bird’s eye view of the town of Lichtervelde in West Flanders by Antonius Sanderus. Decorative title panel and an inset view. Panel with a key listing four places of interest. Coats of arms. 9 x 6 inches. Uncoloured. Part of a Latin descriptive text on verso. Good clean condition.
From: Novum ac Magnum Theatrum Urbium Belgicae Foederate.
18th Century Battle Plan
33529 Battle of Tanieres or Malplaquet, Claude de Bosc, c.1740. Price: 35.00
An interesting engraved battle plan which occurred on 11th Septemeber, 1709 near Mons. A rococco cartouche displays the exppanation. Original centre fold. 17 1/4 x 13 1/2 inches. Uncoloured. Good clean condition.
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