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Richard Nicholson of Chester

A World of Antique Maps and Prints

James Pepper reading

Established in 1961


All the Prints on this page are guaranteed to be genuine early specimens
published in or around the year stated


Original Engravings by Denis Diderot published c.1760

A collection of original copper engravings by the French philosopher Denis Diderot. The prints have been taken from his Encyclopedie and not previously been sold as single prints. Unless otherwise stated each measures about 7 3/4 x 12 1/4 inches. Uncoloured. Unless otherwise stated they are in good clean undamaged condition.

Denis Diderot


  • Crown Glass Making Plate VII Denis Diderot c.1755

    Crown Glass Making Plate VII Denis Diderot c.1755

  • Crown Glass Making Plate VIII Denis Diderot c.1755

    Crown Glass Making Plate VIII Denis Diderot c.1755

34222 Plates VII and VIII Price: 30.00

Verrerie en bois. l'operation de faire le cueillage avec la Felle et de l'alomger a l'auge and Vue perspective de la tonelle....
2 engravings

  • Crown Glass Furnace Plate XIV Denis Diderot c.1755

    Crown Glass Furnace Plate XIV Denis Diderot c.1755

34212 Plate XIV Price: 30.00

Verrerie en bois. l'operation de transporterles Pots de la Carcaise au Four...
Glass Furnace. Two views on one plate showing porters carrying pots from the kiln to the main furnace and then walling up the furnace. 1 engraving

  • Crown Glass Furnace Plate XIII Denis Diderot c.1755

    Crown Glass Furnace Plate XIII Denis Diderot c.1755

34211 Plates XIII Price: 30.00

Verrerie en bois.'l'operation de raccommoder de Banc du Four, et construction du Bonhomme....
Glass Furnace. Two views on one sheet. The furnace-master patching the hearth and carpenters nailing together a framework.
1 engraving

  • Glass Making Plate XXI Denis Diderot c.1755

    Glass Making Plate XXI Denis Diderot c.1755

34207 Plate VIII Price: 30.00

Verrerie en bois. Differentes Operations pour la formation d'un Pot de Petite Verrerie à Pivette
Two views on one plate showing men forming the pot from a cylinder of clay. 1 engraving

  • Crown Glass Making Plate XII Denis Diderot c.1755

    Crown Glass Making Plate XII Denis Diderot c.1755

34210 Plate XII Price: 30.00

Verrerie en bois, 'l'Operation de racommoder le Banc et de relever les Posts
Glass Furnace. Two views on one plate showing the repair of a flaw in the hearth and the levelling of a pot.
1 engraving

  • Crown Glass Making Plate XII Denis Diderot c.1755

    Crown Glass Making Plate XII Denis Diderot c.1755

57063 Plate XXI Price: 30.00

GLACES, l'operation de Trejetter.
1 engraving

  • Engraving of a glass blast furnace, Denis Diderot c.1755

    Engraving of a glass blast furnace, Denis Diderot c.1755

  • Engraving of hree men withdeawing a hot pot from a glass kiln, Denis Diderot c.1755

    Engraving of hree men withdeawing a hot pot from a glass kiln, Denis Diderot c.1755

  • Engraving of three men withdeawing a hot pot from a glass kiln, Denis Diderot c.1755

    Engraving of three men withdeawing a hot pot from a glass kiln, Denis Diderot c.1755

34204 Plate IV Price: 40.00

Verrerie en bois, lPlan de Coupe d'un Four dde petite Verrerie... Double page view of a cut away view of a glass furnace with men working on the various processes. Two additional double page plates showing sections of the furnace.

3 engravings

  • Men pulverising argil and then moistening the clay to make glass

    Men pulverising argil and then moistening the clay to make glass

  • Glass making tools, Denis Diderot 1760

    Glass making tools, Denis Diderot 1760

34205 Plate VI Price: 30.00

Verrie en bois, 'Operation de Piler dans une augge de bois...Two views on one plate showing men pulverising argil and then moistening the clay and mixing in old bricks and pots. Additional plate showing frames.

2 engravings

  • Glass Making Plate XXI Denis Diderot c.1755

    Glass Making Plate XXI Denis Diderot c.1755

34220 Plate 1 Price: 25.00

Verrerie en bois, Grande Verrerie à Vitres en Plats.... Single page plate showing a crown glass factorry set in the forest. Shipping container beneath packed with glass.

1 engraving

  • Engraving of hree men withdeawing a hot pot from a glass kiln, Denis Diderot c.1755

    Engraving of hree men withdeawing a hot pot from a glass kiln, Denis Diderot c.1755

34208 Plate X Price: 40.00

Verrerie en Bois, l'Operations de recevoir...

1 engraving

  • Engraving of hree men withdeawing a hot pot from a glass kiln, Denis Diderot c.1755

    Engraving of hree men withdeawing a hot pot from a glass kiln, Denis Diderot c.1755

34219 Plate XXI Price: 40.00

Verrerie en Bois, Diffeérentes Opérations pour filer.... . A double page plate showing in six vignettes glass being drawn into tubes for barometers and thermometers.

1 engraving


Pepper Street


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International 44 1244 336004

Stacks Image 23

I have been buying and selling antique maps and prints since the early 1960's during which time I had a gallery in Watergate Street, Chester for 30 years. I am now able to offer through my websites a personal service to map and print collectors.

Glass Making prints by Diderot